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Eid Al Fitr fireworks light up UAE skies

Dazzling firework displays illuminated the UAE’s skies on the first night of Eid Al Fitr on Wednesday.
Crowds gathered across the Emirates to witness spectacular pyrotechnic shows in celebration of the holiday period.
Abu Dhabi’s Corniche waterfront offered an ideal vantage point to watch the spectacle unfold.
Firework displays will be held at locations all over the country during Eid.
Eid fireworks light up the sky on the Corniche in Abu Dhabi. All photos: Victor Besa / The National
While the festival got under way on Wednesday, workers were in the middle of a week-long break to mark the occasion.
Work will resume nationwide on Monday, April 15.
For more information on where to catch the fireworks near you, check out The National’s guide here
